
AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary

AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary is a branch of AMVETS. We have been in the business of assisting veterans and their communities.

The Ladies Auxiliary is a volunteer effort that is proudly carried out. From looking after our veterans and their families to those hospitalized and in need – all related to a veteran ourselves – we are a service organization committed to working for the good of our country and the needs of its citizens.

We firmly believe that our service to our family members in the military did not stop with their discharge. For that reason, Auxiliary members across the nation give their time and efforts to ensure that our veterans’ needs are met.

AMVETS Memberships:

Membership in the Ladies Auxiliary is open to all mothers, wives, daughters,
step-daughters, sisters, aunts, granddaughters, grandmothers and female veterans.

To become a member, fill out the application on the linked page. Present this
application to any officer of the auxiliary with $25.00 for annual membership or $350 for Life membership.

Auxiliary Meetings are on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7 PM in Post 51


Jennifer Sinclair


Mary Nelson

First Vice

Nicole Nelson

Second Vice

Lisa Thayer

Third Vice

Donna Lapon


Auxiliary 51 Events:

Sept. 19, 2016 Auxiliary Paint Nite

July 26,2015 AMVETS Sons & Ladies Auxiliary Cookout

04/18/2015 AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary National President's Visit

AMVETS Sons and Ladies Auxiliary 1st Annual Chili Cook-off event 06/18/2014

AMVETS Sons and Ladies Auxiliary 1st Annual Chili Cook-off event 06/18/2014

04/19/2013 AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary National Commander's Visit